When you learn during the course of purchasing your first home that you must buy home insurance first, count on Heydari Financial Group to help. Amid the excitement of buying your Houston, TX, home, shop with savvy for your home insurance. Policies start out with liability coverage and structural coverage for 15 or more perils, but a homeowner can customize the policy with add-ons.
Add-on Coverage to Protect Precious Valuables
Endorsements, also called add-ons or scheduled coverage, let a person customize the coverage they need on their home policy. Common add-ons include jewelry coverage, a home business endorsement, scheduled coverage for hobbyist equipment, etc. People add expensive clothing as scheduled items, too. These clothing pieces include furs, designer dresses and suits, and designer shoes.
Endorsements and scheduled coverage do cost a little extra. Each one adds a little to the price of the monthly premium, but most people consider it a negligible amount. Policyholders can schedule items for their full replacement price or for the full price you spent to buy them. When you schedule an item, the coverage applies no matter what damages it, unless the policy contains exemptions. Ask your insurance agent if you need all-perils coverage for the scheduled items to receive protection regardless of which hazard damages them.
Schedule Your Insurance Review Today
Don’t wait for a peril to strike your home to think about your home insurance coverage. Call or email Heydari Financial Group today to schedule an insurance review that ensures your Houston, TX, home enjoys the coverage it needs and deserves. Let us help you obtain full protection for your home and its contents.