Are Houston Drivers Aware of These Auto Insurance Changes?

As an auto insurance policyholder, it’s essential to protect yourself. These policies often change yearly, which can create confusion about coverage. That’s why you should review your auto insurance annually and discuss any modifications with an agent. Our team at Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX can help ensure you grasp the updates and verify if your policy meets your needs.

1. Updated Minimum Liability

In 2024, changes were introduced to the minimum liability coverage requirements. Texas has raised the liability limits for auto insurance holders, providing increased protection for policyholders. This enhances your security while driving. But remember, not every insurance has the same risks. Hence, revising your yearly policy to adjust to these changes is crucial.

2. Transparency

Texas has introduced numerous amendments to ensure greater transparency from insurance companies. All policies are outlined in the annual contracts, and companies must comply. This gives you, the policyholder, more control over your insurance needs and instills more confidence in your coverage.

3. Motorist Coverage

Two significant amendments were made to motorist coverage regarding uninsured and underinsured coverage. This guarantees that drivers in Houston are protected even if an accident involves a driver without insurance.

4. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

PIP coverage supports those who need immediate financial aid in the event of an accident. This is useful because it can help cover both parties regardless of who is at fault. Importantly, this law is mandatory, providing an additional security layer. Policyholders must ensure this coverage is included in their contract.

Contact Heydari Financial Group

Other laws have also been implemented. If you want to explore these further or have questions, Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX is here to assist. We’re awaiting your call today.