Does Flood Insurance for Your Home Cover a Home-Based Business?

More than five million people in Houston, TX, live in an area prone to flooding. Floods can occur with little or no advance warning. That’s why it’s important to have flood insurance and know what is and isn’t covered under your policy.

Flood Insurance and Your Home-Based Business

Flood insurance for your residence may cover some of your home-based business assets if these assets are used for both personal and commercial purposes. For instance, you’ll get coverage to replace personal belongings such as furniture and a computer. You’ll also receive compensation for structural repairs. Flood insurance doesn’t cover the cost of outside accommodation while your home is being repaired, but this should be covered under your home insurance policy.

However, flood insurance for the home doesn’t cover assets such as stock or machinery used for business purposes. Moreover, regular flood insurance doesn’t cover structures outside the house or your vehicles. Your business could take a serious hit if valuable items are damaged and you need to repair or replace them. That’s why it’s important to talk to an insurance company about flood insurance to cover personal and business assets. The type of policy you need will likely depend on where you live, the type of business assets you own, and how much these are worth. 

Get Expert Help from Heydari Financial Group

Heydari Financial Group offers business owner and commercial insurance policies for Houston, TX, business owners from all industries. We can help you assess your policy options and pick the forms of coverage that offer the best protection for your home-based business. Contact us to find out more or to get a policy quote.