When you are reviewing the life insurance coverage that you have, you probably have questions. It would be best to have an insurance agent you could trust to guide you and make suggestions that make sense to you. In Houston, TX, you can count on our team at Heydari Financial to provide exceptional service and expertise to help you to protect your dependents.
When should I start buying life insurance?
Life insurance is at its most affordable when you are young and healthy. If you have no debt or dependents, you don’t need to buy term life insurance when you are young. It is an ideal time to start with whole life insurance or an annuity to begin a financial plan for the future,
If I get life insurance at work, do I need to buy more?
It is essential to provide for your dependents if you have them. What will happen if you change jobs? What happens if the business goes bust? Life insurance is too important to leave it totally in the hands of your employer. You need to ensure you have the correct amount of coverage and control it. Think of your work life insurance as a supplement to your own life insurance.
How do I figure out how much life insurance I need?
How much life insurance you need is determined by several factors:
- How much money do you earn?
- The number of dependents you have
- The age of the dependents
If your dependents are young children, you will need to provide for more years of support than if they are almost grown. If your partner can support themselves and maintain the home, that will also affect the figure. Talk to your insurance agent to get the right figure for you.
Our experienced independent insurance agents at Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX are here to help you with all your life insurance needs.